"Beside Myself" - Feature Article - Inform Magazine - Sculptors Queensland
Di West's exhibition "Beside Myself" at Doggett Street presents art-making from a different premise entirely, although a no less valid one in the 21st century.
Whimsy and wit are celebrated as Di has explored the literary quirks and foibles of the English language. It is a vast and rich area to mine and Di has fun with it. She deconstructs cliches and expressions and puts them together again with newsprint and postage-stamp boxed collages (further demonstrating the supremacy and ubiquitousness of the word).
In this exhibition Di includes paintings on canvas, sculptures and the collages. Many artists these days change their media to find the best possible expression for a particular idea and it is quite valid to do this provided there is consistancy of purpose and thought and the change of media feeds the development of the idea and does not distract from it.
Di's work does have this consistant thread and she had me grinning several times when I stopped to have a closer look.
by Robyn Bauer Robyn Bauer Gallery October 2005